5 Essential Nutrients Your Body Needs Daily

Healthy and natural foods are mostly packed with essential nutrients such as Probiotics, Omega-3, Calcium, Vitamin D, & Protein. These nutrients are essential for your daily activities. They can protect you from any chronic diseases and improve your muscle development and physical performance.

1. Probiotics

The stereotype of all time is bacteria have bad impacts toward human body and causes diseases. But there are two different bacteria, good one and the bad one. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially for digestive system. It will primarily line your gut and healthy gut is the gateway to have a smooth digestion. The side effects if you don’t have enough probiotics are: Skin issues, autoimmune disease, frequent cold and flu and digestive disorders. Ensure yourself that you will have enough daily probiotics consumption.

Where to get probiotics:
Fermented foods are exact sources to have a healthy active probiotics. Such as: Yoghurt, Kimchi, Sauerkraut, and aged cheese like Cheddar.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that necessary for human health. It is known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega 3 can help your growth and develop the brain function. The other benefits are to reduce the risk of heart disease. Human body needs omega-3 and we should consume more of sea fish to get omega-3 such as fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, sardines, albacore tuna at least two times a week.

Where to get omega-3:
Kale, Spinach, Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Salmon, Tuna, Egg yolks.

3. Calcium

Calcium takes control in the growth and maintenance of the bones. It is needed to prevent weak, brittle bones and fractures, and to maintain bone mineral density.

Calcium is one of the standard treatment methods, to prevent osteoporosis for decade. Calcium has anti-carcinogenic effects due to its participation in regulating cell proliferation, cell differentiation and inducing cell death in cancerous cell. It’s also useful in relieving PMS symptoms such as headaches, cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, muscle aches, moodiness, and fatigue.

Where to get Calcium:
Banana, Berries, Beans, Beets, Nectarines, Low-fat dairy.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D create form of a hormone when human process sunlight. Vitamin D is protecting bones and such a powerful player in regulating cell growth, and decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is mainly controlled calcium metabolism and regulating the immune system by controlling the expression of thousands of genes and controlling the proliferation of cancer cells.

Vitamin D can destroy bacteria and virus, boost the immune system, helps to maintain normal cell growth, improve muscle strength, may reduce the risk of cancer and encourage a healthy body weight.

Where to get Vitamin D:
Fatty fish (Salmon, tuna, mackerel), Cereal, Soy milk, Cheese.

5. Protein

Protein would help to build and maintain healthy muscle mass, while also supporting tendon, ligaments and other body tissues.Protein is necessary after exercise, the physical activity like strength training, damages muscles tissues so they can repair and grow back stronger. It also will help you to build muscle and boost your metabolism which can help you slim down and will makes you look toned. However, for an older adult, it is really imperative to hit those daily protein goals, as people lose muscle faster after 40 years old and need to keep their muscles active and feed them enough protein to stimulate growth.

Where to get Protein:
Nut butters, Oatmeal, Greek yoghurt, Beans, Nuts, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Spinach, Seeds.

Author: Rosella Setiadi (Rose)

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